“The best kind of rain, of course, is a cozy rain. This is the kind the anonymous medieval poet makes me remember, the rain that falls on a day when you’d just as soon stay in bed a little longer, write letters or read a good book by the fire, take early tea with hot scones and jam and look out the streaked window with complacency.” ~ Susan Allen Toth, England For All Seasons
It’s possible. At Joshua Tree Oasis, you really can still feel the echoes, the very last glowing gasps of Summer even in the midst of a gentle cloudburst. The calendar might telegraph Fall but every inhale, every race from raindrop to raindrop tells you that the glow of Summer can still be felt in the remnant warmth. Enough for reason to spread your arms and embrace the fragrant Fall of it all.
Yes, pumpkin season is upon us and what better place to carve out some great gargoyle gourds than on the deck of this welcoming vacation resort barely bordering the Mojave desert? What joy in creating wild fantasy costumes in preparation of Halloween while roasting marshmallows in the outside fire pit, or telling spooky tales in front of the crackling fireplace, or simply gathering with your besties and toasting the coming holiday seasons around the generous table right below the kitchen. And just watching. Listening. Breathing.
Taking it all in as you cozy into the hot chocolate (or endless glasses of vino!) deliciousness of it all—whether you’re up to your chin in down comforters while the world of swaying cacti and bounding bobcats play outside. (You can see them from just about every vantage point you snuggle into.) Or you brave the beckoning outside elements and plunge feet first and feel what it feels like to be rained on from a fabulous Jacuzzi p.o.v. Or the simple joy of spinning outside and embracing it all. The most gorgeous holiday resort in the West, Joshua Tree Oasis, is here to help you catch the Fall and the very last hurrahs of Summer. It’s sunblock, bathing suits and sweater time—and possibly some slickers and boots. What better way to enjoy such a cozy Summer/Fall rain escape…